Health & Safety

Focusing on Employee Health & Safety is one of our core values at Rosmar Drywall Ltd. We continually review and update our policies and procedures to help ensure that every one of our employees goes home safely at the end of each day.

  • Health & Safety Policy Statement
  • Violence and Harassment Statement
  • Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)
Health & Safety Policy Statement

The purpose of this safety policy is to outline the President’s commitment, on behalf of the company, to provide a safe and healthy work environment and promote occupational health to our employees.

Our policies and programs apply to all managers, supervisors and employees. Agents, subcontractors or service providers to, or under contract with, our firm are required to be aware of our OH&S policies, procedures and programs in use. Copies of this manual and program are available for review at our head office.

A Message from the President
On behalf of the company, I would like to thank those involved with the development and implementation of our OHSMS policies and program. Your participation is required and appreciated. Our company recognizes the rights of workers to work in a safe and healthy workplace and we are committed to eliminating accidents, injuries, illness and incidents. We will provide leadership for these activities and assume overall responsibility for the program. We will accomplish our goals by being responsible for the following:

  • Ensuring workers know about actual & potential hazards and dangers by providing information, instruction and supervision on how to work safely,
  • Ensuring supervisors are competent and understand our standards that are required to protect workers health and safety on the job,
  • Ensuring workplace health and safety policies and procedures are in place & known,
  • Ensuring everyone follows OH&S laws and the workplace health and safety policies and procedures we have established,
  • Ensuring that all workplace parties are aware of their individual OH&S obligations and responsibilities in accordance to our company safety program,
  • Ensuring workers wear and use the proper personal protective equipment,
  • Ensuring all reasonable precautions are taken to protect all workers from being injured or being exposed to a work-related illness,
  • Ensuring management and supervisors are responsible for maintaining a safe working environment and ensuring that workers comply with all OH&S requirements,
  • Ensuring that our standards for safety excellence are acknowledged by sub-contractors and support staff as required.

The OHSMS Policy shall be reviewed annually. Any changes or revisions to the Policy shall be communicated to all parties by effective means. We never expect you to work in an unsafe or unhealthy manner; at any time. We ask that you read your employee handbook carefully and completely, raising any questions or concerns with your immediate Supervisor. Thank you for your cooperation.

Violence and Harassment Statement

The purpose of this policy is to outline the President’s commitment, on behalf the company, to the prevention of workplace violence and harassment.

Our policies and programs apply to all managers, supervisors and employees. Agents, subcontractors or service providers to, or under contract with, our firm are required to be aware of our OH&S policies, procedures and programs in use. Copies of this manual and program are available for review at our head office.

Our company has implemented procedures that are to be followed in the event an incident involving workplace violence or harassment is reported or discovered. These procedures will ensure that the circumstances are promptly investigated and resolved in a timely manner. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that;

  • Employees understand the definitions of Workplace Violence and Harassment,
  • Employees understand the effects of Workplace Violence and Harassment,
  • Employees understand their rights and responsibilities to report any act of Workplace Violence and/or Harassment,
  • Employees understand the consequences of contravening this policy.

In addition, the company will be further involved by:

  • Assessing the workplace for actual and potential risks associated with Workplace Violence and/or Harassment,
  • Establishing written measures and procedures designed to reduce the risk of Workplace Violence and Harassment,
  • Providing information to employees indicating measures and procedures for reporting and investigating incidents regarding Workplace Violence or Harassment,
  • Providing assistance to employees who have been victimized by acts of Violence or Harassment in the Workplace,
  • Providing a system for responding to acts of Violence or Harassment in the Workplace.
Workplace violence or harassment will not be tolerated by anyone employed in our workplace.
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)

Statement of Organizational Commitment
Our Company is committed to providing reasonable means of access in an efficient and compliant manner to persons with disabilities as defined under the Accessibility of Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). Our standards of accessibility will pertain to access to goods, services and facilities under the control of our company.

Our company will ensure that our standards are facilitated in a manner that will respect the dignity and independence of persons with a recognized disability. It is the intent of our company to provide all persons equal opportunity to access our facilities and benefit from our company services.

To view our full Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) click here.

About us


Since 1978, Rosmar Drywall Ltd has been providing top quality interior systems contracting services to all of Ontario. We specialize in metal stud framing, drywall and acoustics in the ICI sector of the Construction Industry with a focus on design build.

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